Posts Tagged With: stay healthy

“Can you give me a Diet Plan…?”



…Is the first thing most people ask me the minute I tell them I’m a dietitian. Like a reflex action, I spit out an assuring “Sure” and flash that well practiced polite smile.

Well, a diet plan is not generic. Its not something I can just “shoot in an email”. And its definitely not the some lame chart that I keep saved in my folder in case somebody asks me to “email them a diet plan”. Its different for different people. What may work for you may not work for somebody else. So I have to sit down with you, understand your eating habits and lifestyle, know what works for you and what doesn’t and THEN can I create a plan for you. And this process can take a while.

“But please ya, I’ve been trying to lose weight for so long now. Just tell me na, what to eat?”

Or sometimes, when I’m at a family function, one of the uncles or aunts will come up to me and try to introduce me to their friends saying “Meet Kajal, she’s a dietitian!”
“Haan she works at Apollo!!”
“Arey so nice to meet you beta. So tell us what should we all eat?”

A blank face and a few blinks later I manage out an “Umm. Eat everything?!”

What kind of a question is “Tell me what to eat?”

I never understand what or how to respond to such queries. And then I get attacked with a bucket full of questions… “Can I eat this? Can I eat that? Will I get fat if I eat this once in a while? But I’ve heard thats not good for health na?…”

I dont blame these people. There are some 1000 articles and websites on nutrition and almost all of them contradict each other…leaving the common man confused as hell.

So seriously guys…. EAT EVERYTHING. In moderation. Its as simple as that. Dont confuse yourself. Dont let half the world tell you what you should put in your own stomachs. Worse yet, dont ask somebody “exactly how much” should you eat. When it comes to health… every food has its own way to nourish you. You just need to be smart enough to know which ones to pick, in the right quantity and at the right time :D

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